LeapFrog® ClickStart Educational Software:Disney Princess, The Love of Letters
LeapFrog® ClickStart Educational Software:Disney Princess, The Love of Letters - My daughter is just now getting into Princess mode and she likes this game. I like the game b/c it teaches her a bit more than the other games we own, which are Learning Carnival, and Cars.
The Ariel game on the 1st level teaches arrow key use. Which is also reinforcing right and left concepts. This is the best game so far with teaching arrow key use. She now understands what those keys are for and can play it herself. My daughter is just over 2 1/2 yrs old. The Cinderella game on the 1st level teaches them to click and "drag" the mouse. This is concept that hasn't been taught on any of the other games. You click the shape and drag it over to the cut out shape in the dress. The game catches it when they get close and puts it in the dress for her. I really like this basic dragging concept and she is learning about where to put missing items. I am very happy with that part. It switches over to designing Cinderella's dress and the game is not very forgiving when it comes to the mouse, you have to be pretty exact. That will be good for her when she gets a little older and more into the age range intended for this toy. So she already has to grow into level 1 a bit. I like that. The Belle game will be more exciting when she is bigger, also a bonus. On Level 1 you use the arrow keys to catch books. On Level 2 it calls out a letter and you push the letter to catch books. Level 2 is actually easier for my daughter than level 1. This is a reoccuring theme on for us on the Clickstart. My daughter can find letters better than using coordination with the mouse to complete games and finding letters is a Level 2 concept. Odd. After you complete a game you get a bonus round of clicking on gems before they disappear. They disappear faster on this game then they do on any other of the ones we own. So it will be better for the kids more inside the age range for the Clickstart. Not as good for the newbies. I like this game a lot. If you have a beginner at this computer and want to purchase a game to go with the Clickstart, I highly recommend this one. Ariel and Flouder talk a lot which gives them a little exciting break in between games. -- by Avid Reader
LeapFrog® ClickStart Educational Software:Disney Princess, The Love of Letters - Explore the wonders of early reading with your favorite Disney Princesses! Join Belle, Ariel, Cinderella and their friends on magical adventures as you practice phonics and computer skills. Appropriate for ages 3 years to 6 years. For use with ClickStart My First Computer, sold separately.
LeapFrog® ClickStart Educational Software:Disney Princess, The Love of Letters
- Explore the wonders of reading with Belle, Ariel and Cinderella!
- Help Flounder collect all the letters and pearls.
- Adorn Cinderella¿s dress with colorful accessories.
- Help Belle and Lumière put the books back in letter order.
- Teaches letters, phonics skills, shapes, matching skills and computer skills such as screen navigation, mousing and QWERTY keyboarding.
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